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Migrän VideoExpert Views Challenges regarding impacts on daily function for people with migraine disease At EAN 2022, Cristina Tassorelli, Professor of Neurology, University of Pavia, Italy, discussed how... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Schizofreni Lästid: 5 minut(s) Congress highlights Intimacy, sexuality and psychosis – breaking the taboo Fact: Just likely everyone else, people with mental illness want to experience romance, love and... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Depression Lästid: 2 minut(s) Congress highlights Does your patient have immunometabolic major depressive disorder? Patients with severe major depressive disorder (MDD) may either experience loss of appetite and... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Mental health Lästid: 3 minut(s) Congress highlights Re-engineering healthcare: Preventing and managing comorbidity in mental health conditions Many people with severe mental illness (SMI) have diabetes, which contributes to their poor... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3