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Migrän Lästid: 3 minut(s) Congress highlights What causes the different phases of migraine? Migraine is a complex neurological disorder characterized by a prodromal phase, aura, headache,... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Migrän Lästid: 4 minut(s) Congress highlights ICHD-3: What’s changed? The new ICHD-3 guidelines include changes in the diagnostic criteria and terminology for several... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Migrän Lästid: 2 minut(s) Congress highlights Brain imaging in people with migraine during a migraine attack and over 4 years Two functional magnetic resonance imaging studies to find out what happens to the brain in patients... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3
Mental health Lästid: 2 minut(s) Congress highlights Could sleep disturbances link migraine and mood disorders? People who have migraine are more likely to have a mood disorder than people who do not have... Content action menuShareTestTest 2Test 3